Hi - I'm trying to use Good Data's API with a diff...
# gooddata-platform
Hi - I'm trying to use Good Data's API with a different user than I've typically used, but I keep getting permission errors. How do I make sure my new use can utilize the API without hitting permission issues?
Depending on the call you are trying to make, some can only be made by Domain Admins, and others only by Workspace Admins. Can you please confirm the call you are attempting to make in this case?
That would make sense why some calls worked and others didn't. How do I make a user a domain admin?
You can use the domain admin to assign the same role to other users within the domain via API: https://help.gooddata.com/doc/enterprise/en/expand-your-gooddata-platform/api-reference#operation/getDomainAdmins
Ah, perfect. Thanks @Joseph Heun! I was searching for "permissions" in the API documentation when I should have been searching for "administrator". Appreciate it!
Ok, I've added the user as a domain admin, but I'm still getting a permissions error when I try to update the workspace's custom colors via API using the new credentials.
I essentially want this user to be able to manage 100% of the account. Is there a permission I can give this user to give full access?
I would assume the user who created the workspace would have permission to alter it?
The domain admin doesn't have access to all workspaces, so if you are just trying to adjust something on the project level, you will need to ensure your user is also an admin in the workspace.
Is there a permission level that gives a user access to all workspaces?
Wouldn't the user who created the workspace be an admin by default?
Just for clarification is this to upload custom color palettes or custom themes? If it's themes, you may be limited by the pricing tier you are on.
I'm able to update both color palettes and custom themes successfully with one user. I'd like to use a different user to make the API calls
I've made that new user a domain administrator and used that new user to create a new workspace. However, that user isn't able to update the workspace's default color palette (really, the call was just to set the color palette back to default -- aka delete any custom color palettes).