Corrolary to this question: Is there a way to invi...
# gooddata-platform
Corrolary to this question: Is there a way to invite a domain admin to all workspaces by default?
Answered on the previous message
👍 1
apart from the user brick (where you would need to specify the new admin for each workspace, you can also use the “technical_users” parameter in rollout+workspace provisioning bricks. those will ensure that this user is in the current and new client workspaces (plus laso in the release brick if you want the user in the segment master workspaces). Do not forget to add these users to the “whitelists” parameter. in the user brick to prevent their removal if they are not in the user data. (For some historical reason there it is not called technical_users but whitelists).
I definitely like this solution better than adding the users via our user lists. Thanks for sharing Michal!