Hi! Is there a way to transfer ownership of LDM p...
# gooddata-platform
Hi! Is there a way to transfer ownership of LDM processes so that they execute as another account than the one they were created with? I just onboarded a service account to manage the workspaces & LDM and I'd like to transfer the bricks to be executed with the permissions of that account instead of mine so that it is automatically added as a user to the workspaces that are provisioned by the release+provision bricks I would like to do that change without having to start all of the bricks configuration from scratch
Hi Philippe, If you are talking about ETL processes and LCM bricks, their ownership cannot be transferred, but you can recrete them under the new intended owner. Regarding adding the domain admin to all workspaces by default, this can be done via the user brick, I believe you are familiar with it based on previous questions.
Hi Moises, Thanks for your answer. So you are saying there is no API endpoint that allows the modification of processes so as to change the owner of the process? OK for the user brick, I'll update my code to always distribute our services email there
The API’s to update data loading processes are documented here: Update a data loading process. Unfortunately, at this moment there isn’t a way to update the ownership.
OK! Thanks for the info
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No problem!
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If the configuration should remain the same and just the owner should change, probably the easiest thing is to do “Redeploy” under the new user. You can do it in the UI of Data Integration Console. Just click “”Redeploy” button for each process. That should change the ownership and remain all the settings. (note that this new user should have at least “use” permission to any datasource used in that process). • In if the bricks are executed automatically (scheduled run) they are executed with rights of the user who last deployed them. • If they are executed manually (run now), they are executed under the current user. (for most bricks it needs to be the a domain admin user) ◦ for most of the bricks you can also add the credentials explicitly to the parameters and in that case even if executed by another user, it will run with privileges of these credentials. ◦ to do so, you will need to add all these parameters to the schedule of the brick: ▪︎ GDC_USERNAME=login of GD user to execute under ▪︎ GDC_PASSWORD=GD password (use as hidden parameter) ▪︎ GDC_PROTOCOL=https ▪︎ GDC_HOSTNAME=hostname of the GD instance (i.e. votresucces-dev.on.gooddata.com)
Thanks for the in-depth info @Michal Hauzírek!! I'll definitely use the redeploy option as it will significantly reduce the effort involved in transferring the ownership 🙂
For info, redeploys don't remove the schedules right?
correct, it does not remove the schedules.
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