Hi! When running the provisioning brick I am gett...
# gooddata-platform
Hi! When running the provisioning brick I am getting the following error:
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Error during k8s execution: There was error during provisioning clients: {"errorCode"=>"lcm.provision.release.not_found", "message"=>"Master release not found. You must call client synchronization to create a master release before provisioning new projects.", "parameters"=>[]}
What could be the cause of this error? Extra info: • I have run the release brick beforehand successfully • The
fields match between the release and provision brick • The
in the release brick match exactly the
in the provision brick • This configuration was imported as a pipeline from another domain where it was working - a few changes have been made to fix the secure parameters Thanks!
Aftet the release brick you just need to run also the rollout brick to complete the "master" setup (even if there are no clients yet). Release brick just creates the new master 'candidate' workspace but it is technically promoted to the actual segment master by the rollout brick. Then it should work.
👍 1
Lovely, that works! Then should I run the rollout after provisioning as well to rollout the changes to the newly provisioned workspaces?
Now I am stuck with a "Failed to load LDM model." message on the schedule of my ADDv2 dataloading brick:
• The ADDv2 dataloading brick above is in a Service Workspace • The LDM exists in the Development Workspace as well as the associated Segment Master Workspace • A dataloading brick in the Development Workspace can be run successfully
No need to run the rollout brick after provisioning. After the rollout finishes, all newly provisioned workspaces will already be based on the new master with all the changes applied. For the error - can you please invite user michal.hauzirek@gooddata.com as admin into the service workspace, development workspace & the latest master workspace? And also share the datasource with this user (read is enough)? I can then take a detailed look. From the screenshot it seems there might be something with the data mapping, but it is difficult to tell what exactly without looking deeper.
On it! What do you mean by share the datasource?
Invitations sent
Found it for the datasource, but I get the following:
Thank you. Can you try the datasource now? I think it was because I did not yet accept the invites to create my account while you were doing it before. I have accepted now.
👍 1
Done! Thanks for looking into this Michal
Hmm, seems like I would need to be domain admin to take a look since it involves the LCM which is only available to the domain admins 😕 What I can see (but I can not say it is for sure cause of the issue) is that your dev master is using datasource “gd_ccg__datasource” (ID=621bfeefb2cdbe0001772b1c).” While in your service workspace in the schedule you took screenshot seems to be using different one - “datasource_clinic” (ID=62577b4d009b4100015a721f) Can that be the cause? Are the same data structures behind both these data sources?
Thanks for your answer! Yes, that duplicate datasource definitely sounds like a likely source of error. I tried deleting it yesterday, but I wasn't able to do so. I'll try again.
are the same, and
are the same.
While in your service workspace in the schedule you took screenshot seems to be using different one - “datasource_clinic” (ID=62577b4d009b4100015a721f)
You have found a typo! I misconfigured the segment+datasource on this one. I'll start with reconfiguring this, and then I'll check if that solves the issue
OK! So reconfiguring the ADDv2 to use the appropriate datasource and segment fixes it 😃 Sometimes all that's needed is a second pair of eyes 🙂 Last question: Is there a way I can list the processes that use the datasource? I can't seem to find the missing last process using the datasource
Yes, there should be an API for it. /gdc/dataload/dataSources/{dataSourceId}/usedBy So in your case i.e. https://votresucces-dev.on.gooddata.com/gdc/dataload/dataSources/62577b4d009b4100015a721f/usedBy It is not returning anything for me though. I am not sure if it only works for domain admin or owner of the data source or if there is something not right with this API.
🙌 1
oh BTW I noticed you have
parameters in your ADDv2 schedules. Neither of those params is needed for ADDV2 (they are needed for the LCM Bricks - release, rollout, provisioning though). For ADDv2 the dataproduct and segment is the one which you select during the (re)deployment of the ADDv2 process.
👍 1
The Grey page you linked works for me - so I'd think that it's because you are not domain admin. The data source is in use by some processes even though there's no direct specification of link to said data source in said processes. I guess that some processes automatically use the data source of the LDM of the workspace in which they were created
RE: Deleting the datasource: Currently the datasource is only associated to processes that are part of a workspace in the DELETED state, and this prevents the deletion of the datasource. Is this the intended behaviour?
I can't delete the processes either - I get a 403 on both the Grey pages and via the API for GET: Grey Pages
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  "error": {
    "errorClass": "com.gooddata.security.authorization.AuthorizationFailedException",
    "trace": "",
    "message": "User does not have required permission ('canInitData')",
    "component": "MSF",
    "errorId": "304cbb06-551e-4772-82e3-3bd826842f1d",
    "errorCode": "gdc.security.authorization",
    "parameters": []
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requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: <https://votresucces-dev.on.gooddata.com/gdc/projects/v4qymimyzukejcpotjmmu1561gn4cmuu/dataload/processes/ad355090-6d21-44ee-bc2c-b8ce66c8d054>
Hmm according to our records, workspace v4qymimyzukejcpotjmmu1561gn4cmuu is already deleted. It seems the data sources can get stuck (can not be deleted) in case they are used in workspace which is deleted. Let me create an internal ticket about this since this should probably not be the case.
🙌 1
Super, thanks Michal