Hello, I want to make a NPS calculation to use as...
# gooddata-platform
Hello, I want to make a NPS calculation to use as a metric - any recommendation on how to best set this up? Thanks!
Hi Josefin, May we know how does your NPS calculation look like currently and what data do you expect to get from the metric?
• Ratings range from "10 = Extremely Likely" to "0 = Not Likely At All" • 9-10 votes are called Promoters • 7-8 are called Passive • 0-6 votes are called Detractors NPS is calculated by comparing the percentage of Promoters to the percentage of Detractors: (# Promoters - # Detractors) / # Respondents.
Does that make sense or did I perhaps misunderstand the questions?
I believe your description is similar to what we described in our blog post here: https://www.gooddata.com/blog/net-promoter-score-data-explained/ In such case, your metric would look as follows:
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select ifnull( ((select count(Records of NPS Feedback)) where NPS Score>=9) / (select count(Records of NPS Feedback))),0) - (select ifnull( ((select count(Records of NPS Feedback) where NPS Score<=6) / (select count(Records of NPS Feedback))),0) )
You will just need to make sure you use your own variables. Let us know if this helps.
Perfect - thank you very much! :)
Hi again, I tried adjusting the code accordingly but seem to have gotten something wrong. In my dataset, I have a survey with responses. In the dataset "answers"very response belongs to a question, and every respondent has a respondent id. So the records of nps feedback is in a question with an id. I don't think I have an equivalent of "records of nps feedback". Do I need to create that or is it something else that's incorrect? Sending images of the LDM and how I tried to adjust the code. Thanks! :)
Hi Josefin, I can see the metric is not properly defined. Can you add one more ‘)’ after the last fact (‘Response’). Does it help?
Hi - is this how you meant? Or someplace else?