Hello team, When removing a reference link, the re...
# gooddata-platform
Hello team, When removing a reference link, the referenced attribute is removed from the table as well. When I add that attribute again manually, the datatype is recognised as TEXT in Load configuration, whereas the original one was defined as nvarchar. Is there a way to correct the data type? (discussed with @Julie Mullen)
Hi Hans, you will need to manually change the data type in the LDM and then republish the LDM. Then, you can re load the data. Let us know if this helps.
Hello @Hans Cornette, can you please share what troubles is the Source Type defined as TEXT in the Load configuration causing to you?
@Joseph Heun Thanks, I would like to, it's just not obvious from the interface where to do that. Should I look in Load configuration?
@Tomas Muchka I'm (currently) using a combined key for each ID in my source data. So all IDs have Source Type = nvarchar . My assumption is that joining tables on a Text and nvarchar data type would not be as optimal as the intended nvarchar with nvarchar.
This article should help with updating your LDM: https://help.gooddata.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=86795753
Indeed, this document describes how to update and map facts and attributes. But it doesn't describe how to update a Source Type of a Mapping. Can it be done?
The Source Type in the Load configuration is not editable at the moment. As far as I understand it does not serve to any purposes when working with the model. Its purpose is to properly select LDM data type. But let me confirm this.
Hello @Hans Cornette, I have checked with the team and it should not be an issue for loading/querying.
nvarchar is specific type according to database while text and number are general ones. In this case, LDM can’t detect source type so it set text for label. It shouldn’t affect to the loading data.
Thanks for this clarification. 👍