Guys, good afternoon! I'm trying to create my Dat...
# gooddata-platform
Guys, good afternoon! I'm trying to create my Data Model, and the server fails to connect, but in the configuration it connects successfully. Could it be a problem with my server or GoodData? Because my database is loading normally.
Hi Mariana, Do you happen to have a request ID when you try to publish the LDM? We can use this to reference our logs for the exact error.
gooddata does not provide any i'd , just "Internal Server Error"
Looking through the logs based on the data source name, it appears to be the following: _View 'live_person.vw_BotsLinhas2_ok' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException_
Thank you! I managed to solve
👍 1