Hi! For your <Gooddata.CN> Self-service analytics ...
# gooddata-platform
Hi! For your Gooddata.CN Self-service analytics is there any reason why the Geo Pin visualisation is missing compared to Gooddata Cloud. Is there any way for us to turn this on or enable on our Kubernetes instance?
🙌 1
Hi, At the moment this is a missing functionality to have this set directly in AD/KD, due to missing Geochart tokens. I believe there might be some workaround, how to set the token. But this one I am not 100% sure. @Ondrej Macek can you help us here?
Ondrej is on vacation. It is completely disabled in the code base (UI.SDK, AD). We could enable it back quite easily in a first iteration. @Martin Svadlenka please, reach me out if you want to prioritize it.
Hi @Martin Svadlenka & @Jan Soubusta happy to take a beta version. Really need it for a new project
will this visualization be enabled in 1.4?
I am afraid it won't, unless priorities are changed.
@Jan Soubusta what is the current eta then, is there a way to request a change in this. It is still a priority functionality for us. Is there a way for us to develop / contribute so we can assist in resolving this?
@Martin Svadlenka @Ondrej Macek please, talk to @Matthew McKenzie
Hi Matthew, we do not have any priority request mechanism in place. Let me talk with team and review the estimate and priorities. In the mean time, can we have a separate call about the use case details here?
Hi @Martin Svadlenka, can we revisit this? Happy to have a call regarding it
Has there been any progress on including the geo visualization?
It's basically a show stopper between us going with Good data or going with Zoho Analytics onprem (not our preference)
@Albert Kristof (as per email sent)
Hi Jonathon, let me connect with the team and update you asap. Thank you!
Cheers @Albert Kristof
Hi Jonathon, Geo Pins are planned to be delivered in Q1 2022… So unfortunately not right away, but they’re close!