Hello!, I'm trying to load data to LDM using CSV f...
# gooddata-platform
Hello!, I'm trying to load data to LDM using CSV files. but I couldn't find few options as mentioned in docs here and here, by default, there is only one source available to connect data from i.e PostgreSQL. Am I missing something here? Note: I am using the community edition of GoodData.CN
Hi Shiva, here is the link to proper documentation related to datasorces, which are support with GoodData.CNhttps://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/1.3/administration/data-sources/ Let me know if it is clear for now.
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Shiva, GoodData.CN is running directly on top of supported data sources, there are no data loads. If you have CSV files and want to utilize them with GoodData.CN, you have to load it into one of supported data sources.
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Thank you for the clarification @Jan Basko and @Jan Soubusta. I'll try with one of supported data sources (mostly PostgreSQL)
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