Hello everyone! Is there a way to listen for the ...
# gooddata-ui
Hello everyone! Is there a way to listen for the
Dashboard Sharing Updated
event in an embedded analytical designer (iframe)? I want to achieve the same functionality with the
value for
in a DashboardComponent? I tried using adding a listener to window like such as:
window.addEventListener('message', _event_
_=>_ {
but it only processes the following events:
Hi Jer, May know what product are you working with(GD Platform, GD.CN, Cloud) and version of SDK are using, please?
Hi @Ivana Gasparekova, I'm embedding a GoodData analytical designer using an iframe with SSO-PGP authentication. Originally, it was implemented to use GD's React component (
) from
_"@gooddata/sdk-ui"_: "^8.12.3"
, but that was problematic in terms of authentication with what we want to achieve and also limited to just displaying dashboard (not the insights editor)
Hi Jer, Radek from the GD Technical team, let me have a look if there's a way around this! Admittedly this is unlikely if you didn't spot it in the events caught by the event listener, but let me dig a little and see if I can find anything 🙂
Hi again Jer, so I dug into this a little, and unfortunately it looks like you were right in that the events processed are ultimately all that's available. Sorry I couldn't come with better news!