Hello everyone. We are in the progress of embeddin...
# gooddata-ui
Hello everyone. We are in the progress of embedding gooddata dashboards to our website. After embedding, we want to understand how our users interact with the embedded dashboards so that we can collect feedbacks. Do you have any suggestion to track user behavior in the embedded dashboards? We ideally want to use session recording analytics tools like Hotjar or Fullstory but since we'll use iframe embedding I am not sure if it will be possible. Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Berkay, Radek from the GoodData Technical team here! When it comes to Hotjar and Fullstory, they both have the limitation of having to have control over the source code of whatever page is being displayed through an iframe - this comes from the security properties of iframes themselves, and unfortunately prevents both tools from tracking properly. From the GoodData side, an iframe Dashboard sends out events for some interactions - these are possible to be captured using an eventListener. I would suggest testing this out and seeing if the events are sufficient for tracking; outside of that, I'm afraid there isn't much more that can be done through an iframe. Hope this helps!
Thank you @Radek Novacek
If you're on the GoodData Platform, yes! In this case, you could get in touch with your Customer Success contact and request the feature to be approved and activated. On GoodData Cloud, an equivalent is not yet available, although it is planned!