Hello, I'm using GoodData embeded dashboard in my ...
# gooddata-ui
Hello, I'm using GoodData embeded dashboard in my Vue.js application hence will use web components. I would like to know how can i style the inner components. for instance the dashboard has a built-in share and edit buttons. is there a way to get rid of that buttons? I've tried to go through the documentation to see if there's a built-in option to disable these buttons. however, i couldn't find anything related. Assistance will be appreciated, thank you 🙂
Hello Daniel, To help you properly with this, may I know which GoodData product are you using? Is it GoodData Cloud? also, what version of the SDK are you using? If you could share your package.json file that would be great.
Thank you for the swift response. I am using GoodData cloud. however, I'm not using the SDK i'm using web components as the following article mentions https://www.gooddata.com/docs/gooddata-ui/latest/learn/embed_dashboards/web_components/
I see, thanks. This is definitely not possible out of the box. However, you should be able to amend this. Please refer to the bellow: https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui-apidocs/v8.12.0/docs/sdk-ui-dashboard.selectcaneditdashboardpermission.html https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/dashboard_component.html#customizations-props Another option would be to restrict the user that is logged (and consuming the embedded frame) in terms of user rights; if you assign just the
permission to the user, then both buttons disappear. https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/cloud/manage-organization/manage-permissions/set-permissions-for-dashboards/#ManageD[…]missions
I see, i think that this solution will only work for React and not for Vue.js. Thanks a lot for your assistance!