Hello, I'm doing a PoC to a project an trying to u...
# gooddata-ui
Hello, I'm doing a PoC to a project an trying to use the sdk-model at version 9.1.0 I'm getting this error Module not found: Can't resolve '@gooddata/sdk-model/internal' in '/node_modules/@gooddata/sdk-ui-dashboard/esm/_staging/drills'
Didn't see any issues related to it
Hi Luis, there was a change recently in that we are only using ECMAScript Modules (ESM), and discontinuing support for CommonJS builds. as mentioned here: https://www.gooddata.com/docs/gooddata-ui/latest/architecture/whats_new/#ecmascript-modules Can you please confirm you are not using the JS build?
Hi there Luis, can you share a little more about your setup? 🙂 Are you using just the sdk-model in your own project, or the complete app-toolkit? Also, what's the implementation end goal here? The error seems to be pointing towards the Dashboard drill function, so I'd like to get a slightly more complete picture.