Hi! I'm running into issues with CORs not being en...
# gooddata-ui
Hi! I'm running into issues with CORs not being enabled, is there a way to whitelist a url for cors without going through the api? This is with GoodData Platform not GoodData.CN
Hi Philip, As far as I know, this is the only option. Do you have any troubles with the API itself please?
I'm running into issues getting authorized on it, I'm assuming I'm doing something wrong.
Do I need to get a whitelabled domain first, or can I use the secure.gooddata.com api connection
Depends where your GD solution is hosted. It should be the same hostname/URL that you are using for accessing your analytics(Dashboards, Inisghts,…)
So I've gotten request to go through, however its stating that only a site admin can access the allowedOrigins endpoint. Is there a way to find out which account on the site is the admin?
I figured it out, I was passing our full domain and not the leading cname argument. Thank you for your help
🙌 1
Oh, sorry for the delay in my responses. But I am really glad to hear that you were able to figure it out all by yourself. Good job!!👌