Hi, trying to create a dashboard on GoodData and w...
# gooddata-ui
Hi, trying to create a dashboard on GoodData and wanted to implement a graph like that. Is there a way to map our Y axis labels to a more simple way. For example show
Crude oil tanker
instead of
Hi Menelaos, You should be able to change the attributes display through the use of Labels
Hi @Joseph Heun, can't find in GoodData cloud. Is it the same there?
It can be found HERE
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Thanks for the update @Joseph Heun. Will have a look
Still, cannot understand which is the view I'll be able to map the shortened label, inside the attribute.
Hello Menelaos, GoodData displays the values as they are stored in the DB. In this case
. The values can be beautified in two ways: • Update the values in your DB. If the values should keep the original form, but you are fine to add a new column with “human-readable” names, then you can map the new column to the original attribute as a label. This way GoodData still displays one field, but you can switch between multiple display forms (labels). • Or create a custom SQL dataset with the transformation logic. A combination of SQL REPLACE and LOWER functions would lead to
crude oil tanker
🙌 1