Hi, I'm using Angular with a React wrapper (I used...
# gooddata-ui
Hi, I'm using Angular with a React wrapper (I used this as an example: https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/ht_use_react_component_in_angular_2.x.html). When I view Dashboards and then drill down into an insight I'm seeing a couple of issues. 1. The graph displays twice. 2. If I close the graph and drill down again, I see 1 graph, but I get a warning in my console. The graph drills down properly when using an web components. Am I missing something in my wrapper?
Hello @Carol Hood! What version of Angular and what version of GoodData.UI are you using please?
Angular 13.3.11 GoodData.UI 8.12.0
Thanks! I will try to reproduce on my side. Thank you for your patience!
Hello, any updates on this?
Yes! Unfortunately this is beyond my skillset and our Engineering has been very busy with the upcoming releases, but I was able to test Angular 13 with the latest GoodData.UI and I was able to reproduce this:
It seems like a bug on our side. Let me just double-check: ā€¢ You are also embedding integrating the dashboard using the GoodData.UI <Dashboard /> component, correct?
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I will be reporting this bug right away and I'll make sure it is prioritized accordingly šŸ‘ Thank you for your feedback and for your patience!
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"You are also embedding integrating the dashboard using the GoodData.UI <Dashboard /> component, correct?" Yes
Hi, the bug will be fixed in the next SDK release V9 which is planned for end of Q2 this year, please follow our release notes https://support.gooddata.com/hc/en-us/sections/7552950634899-Release-Notes
@Jan Kos confirming this is going to be fixed in june? We're trying to develop our release in parallel. Just making sure we understand how bugs are handled within the SDK for features in production is good to know.
Hi Steve, yes the SDK V9 is planned to be released in June and this bug is a bit specific and and it is handled in the new version. This is a major release which are not frequent. If there is a need we are implementing new features and bug fixes into SDK within our standard release cycle happening roughly every two weeks.
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