Hi! Quick question — is there any way to embed a d...
# gooddata-ui
Hi! Quick question — is there any way to embed a dashboard in React natively (i.e. not iframe), but with edit mode functionality like the iframe supports?
Hi Jas, currently this is not possible, but please stay tuned to our Release notes for any update on this functionality as we are working on it: https://gooddataconnect.slack.com/archives/C01UR5BGAHY/p1667574032108059?thread_ts=1667486679.007649&cid=C01UR5BGAHY
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Hi Jas, I would also like to bring attention to our UI SDK roadmap, where you can learn about our planned and considered features: https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/roadmap.html
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