Hi! Has anyone ever run into an error with `Insigh...
# gooddata-ui
Hi! Has anyone ever run into an error with
InsightView.tsx:158 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'withTelemetry')
— I believe I have authentication set up correctly (removing the InsightView component, the empty page does send a successful GET request to my GD.CN CE server)
Hi Jas, this can be caused by incorrect dependencies for your backend (for this specific component). When encountered in the past, the solution was to use
yarn upgrade
instead of
yarn add
. If that's not your case, could you please provide the whole stack trace?
Got it, thank you! I’m using
, not sure if that would be the source of the issues, but I’ll send you a ping (if that’s alright) if I run into more issues.
👍 1