Is there a plan to have a react component for the ...
# gooddata-ui
Is there a plan to have a react component for the analytical designer? As I understand it, the only way to embed the analytical designer is using an iFrame with SSO (SAML/OIDC).
Hi Sheldon, How would you like to embed the Analytical Design, please? What functionality are looking for? You can certainly embed an Insight from Analytical Designer via InsightView component, or the whole KPI Dashboard via Dashboard component.
Hi Ivana, I am looking to embed the entire Analytical designer in our web app. I have been able to successfully embed the dashboard component via gooddata-ui.
The functionality required is to allow customers to create new dashboards.
Thanks for the clarification, sure, that makes sense to me. Let me check internally what are our options here.
Thank you for bearing with me. Unfortunately, your assumption was correct. It is really not possible to use the React component for embedding of the Analytical Designer right now. May I know why the iFrame isn’t working for your use-case, please?
the iFrame requires SSO (SAML or OIDC) and that will be additional logistics considering customers have their own SSO implementations
It would be a lot simpler if it was a react component
I am also evaluating good data for this specific use case of embedding the designer to allow end users to build or alter new and existing insights. Same concerns apply that this cannot be done as a component and only supports iFrame.
🎉 New note created.