How do we export the insights as image (png, svg) ...
# gooddata-ui
How do we export the insights as image (png, svg) ? Is this on the roadmap ?
Hi Rohit, thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have gone ahead and highlighted your request internally as product feedback.
🎉 New note created.
Hello @rohit, would it be possible to share with us why do you want to export the insight into an image? Feel free to contact me via a private message in case it should not be shared publicly.
Hi. We have clients who use the dashboards to review / analyze the data and produce the outputs in charts but then need to export it as image to make it part of monthly leadership decks / powerpoints which have many other slides but possibly a chart from this dashboard.
Hi .. Any update on this. Exports to images is supported by Highcharts library through export server. Can we get access to that capability through GoodData.UI sdk or backend
Hi @rohit as far as I know, this feature is not planned for next quarter. Can you use OS screenshooting capability as a workaround?
Hi @Ivan Nejezchleb - we have tried screenshotting and that does not give the high resolution we need
@rohit Only workaround for this is to have custom app using our UI SDK Insight component, which will render your insight of interest into container of your favorite size, and screenshot it then. See Documentation about this topic