Hello, (reposting from <#C01P3H2HTDL|gooddata-cn>)...
# gooddata-ui
Hello, (reposting from #gooddata-cn) - I'm seeing with a "daily" bar chart across exactly 1 year, I am able to render an Insight except for years containing a Leap day (e.g. 2020) causes the "too many points to display" error. With this 2020 example if I instead filter to 01/01/2020 - 12/30/2020 the Insight renders correctly. This seems like a bug 🐞 for 365 days to render, but 366 to break the visualization. Any recommendation how to handle 366 day years? Using GDCN 1.7 // gooddata-sdk-ui 8.9.0.
Hello Carson! I see noone else responded, so I'll take this one. Would it be possible to invite me to the workspace so that I can take a look myself?
Or can you tell me how to easily reproduce? Simply to render a <BarChart /> with any metric sliced by a day filtered to a single one year? 365 bars seems awful lot for a bar chart, but if 365 works then I guess 366 should work too.
Thanks Jiri -- the same is true for a Line Graph. A line graph with 365 points works, with 366 points breaks.
Carson I apologize for the delay but I'm currently very busy. This is high on my priority TODO list, I'll let you know soon!
Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 12.54.55.png,Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 12.55.01.png
Carson, I finally had time to investigate. I can confirm this is the issue. I'll report this to our Product team immediately, they will assess and prioritize. I'm hoping they will consider this "a bug" rather than a "feature/improvement" so it will get fixed sooner. How sensitive is this for you?
Thanks @Jiri Zajic, it does seem like a bug, and breaks the insight for these leap years.
Hello Carson! I was notified that our internal JIRA ticket regarding 365/366 values has been implemented and is awaiting verification. I don't know yet the exact release date, but it typically takes 2-4 weeks to get to production from this point.