Hi, do you support running GD.UI in a non-root dir...
# gooddata-ui
Hi, do you support running GD.UI in a non-root directory? I setup "homepage" in package.json to point to the correct directory, so the scripts and everything load fine, but GD keeps trying to make
requests to the root directory instead of the folder it's in.
Yes, a GD.UI application boostrapped using @gooddata/create-gooddata-react-app can run in a non-root directory.
But you have to build it using
PUBLIC_URL=/folder/another-folder yarn build
Are you talking about GD.UI application bootstrapped with @gooddata/create-gooddata-react-app? Are you running it on your localhost, or are you trying to deploy it? Are you connecting it to a hosted platoform SaaS (codename Bear), or to a self-hosted GoodData.CN instance (codename Tiger)?
Thanks, I'll try the env argument. I'm using the React bootstrap app and connecting it to a self-hosted CN instance. Currently I'm exploring ways to integrate GD.UI into our existing (non-React) web application. Although I'm running everything locally at the moment, our development environment largely mimics our deployment environments, so the only thing that should change with deployment is the domain.
I think I misunderstood the way the React app works; I expected to be able to setup some predefined charts in the React app, build the React app, and then be able to place the built files onto a folder on a web server, where it would communicate with GD.CN and display the charts. I don't know if that's possible, or if you have to use the approach from https://sdk.gooddata.com/gooddata-ui/docs/4.1.1/ht_use_react_components_with_vanilla_js.html if you want to integrate GD into a non-React web application. I wanted to avoid that specifically because working with GD.UI in React is much nicer than the vanilla JS examples in the linked documentation.
One more hint to avoid GD keep trying to make
requests to the root directory: When instantiating the backend, make sure to pass the
param, like this:
Copy code
const backend = tigerFactory({
  hostname: '<https://interactive-examples-proxy.herokuapp.com/>',
Also please check
in package.json to see the effect of
env variable. I believe these are what you are looking for.
As for your understanding the way the React app works, I think you get it. I see that you want to pre-build an individual React app separately, and then "plug it in" your non-React app, correct? Well, this might be tricky to set up, but it shouldn't be impossible. I really think that the
{ hostname: '<https://my-domain.com>' }
config when instantiating the tigerFactory should be helpful, as well as
to make it apply when creating a production build. Please let me know if it helps!
I did just notice
in the code documentation, I believe that was the missing piece.
Sorry I didn't mention this earlier! Hope it works! 🤞
So I did actually have it on because I tried
earlier, but it looks like I needed both that and the
parameter in
. It's sending requests for the correct host now, thanks!
👏 1
Amazing! Good job! Díky Dane!
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