Hey team. I'm doing the GD trial at the moment and...
# gd-beginners
Hey team. I'm doing the GD trial at the moment and am wanting to model a many-to-many relationship with the LDM editor. Without the LDM using a one to many relationship, my calculations of sum and count and percentages work fine. Once i add the relationship the LDM say's everything is fine and data is displaying correctly, but any metric creation fails.
Hello Marcel, could you please send over here the error that you are getting when you try to create a metric?
The error was very vague, "Metric cannot be created, please try back later"
I've deleted all the table and started again.
Currently works, the issue I think was the way that primary keys were defined. The primary key is actually bridge ID, but for this to work we just leave the primary key as respondent and ethnicity is respectively.