Hi Team, Is there a way I can check the current da...
# gd-beginners
Hi Team, Is there a way I can check the current date in writing a custom metric
Hi Sree Lakshmi, I assume that you are working with GoodData Platform, but please correct me if I am wrong here. Are you familiar with THIS macro, please? Would it suit your use-case, by chance?
Hi Ivana, Thank you for responding.. Yes, I am working with GoodData Platform...
In one of my queries I need to check if the current date is less than 4 or not..
This is failing If THIS < 4
While I am aware of THIS macro I am not able to use it for this specific use case ..
Sure thing, happy to help. I am afraid that your MAQL expression would need to be more complex. May I know what exactly are you trying to achieve, please? Should it include all dates before the 4th day of the current month or week, for e.g.?
Thank you! What I need is, if the current date is < 4th I need to pull the revenue from the 4th of previous month till today.. If the current date is > 4th I need to pull the revenue from the 4th of current month till today
Thank you for the clarification. Let me think about the proper condition a bit.
How would you check the current date, please? Would it be picked from the Dashboard Date filter, or are we searching for MAX Date, where’s available value?
Ideally it should be from Max Date, since dashboard wont give any info specifically about the current date
✔️ 1
Hey @SreeLakshmi Mukalla, Sorry for the radio silence here. I was thinking about something similar to my metric below:
SELECT CASE WHEN (MAX (Day of Month (Date))<=4) THEN (SELECT Revenue WHERE Day of Month (Date) BETWEEN 1 AND 4) ELSE (SELECT Revenue FOR PREVIOUS (Month/Year (Date)) WHERE Day of Month (Date) BETWEEN 5 AND 31) END
However, I’d like to see your existing Revenue metric and your model as well, if possible. Could you kindly share with me a link to your testing Insight or the details about your workspace, please? Feel free to use a DM, as I understand you might not want to share these details publicly.