Hi, I had a question related to filters on the das...
# gd-beginners
Hi, I had a question related to filters on the dashboard. Is it possible to have the same Attribute Filter side by side and make it work on the same insight?
Hi Nikita, Could you please tell us more about your particular use-case? What would be the purpose of having same attribute filter twice within your dashboard and being applied on the same insight?
Hi Julius, Instead of letting the users select multiple values on the filter, we want them to be able to select just 2, considering it would be convenient for the users to be able to select just one value on the filter(Institute 1) and then be able to select another value for the same filter(Institute 2) separately and allow them to be able to see the trends for both the values(Institute1 and Institute 2) on the same insight. We are using the GoodData Free Trial Version. We wanted to know if this is something achievable.
Hi Nikita, Unfortunately, this is not possible right now. Also, it would be really hard to prevent conflicts between selections of both filters working with the same attribute. You can toggle only between single and multiple value and each filter can be added to your Dashboard only once. What about setting the filters on Insight level in Analytical Designer, please?
Alright, I will surely try this, thank you @Ivana Gasparekova @Julius Kos.
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