As a follow-up to my first question. I saw that Go...
# gd-beginners
As a follow-up to my first question. I saw that GoodData provides a JavaScript SDK called Web Components library that I could use in an Angular application. Is it possible to host a custom Angular application on GoodData and, if so, would it come with the same benefits as an application built using GoodData's no-code platform? For example, would it come with user authentication?
Hi Lucas, I am afraid this may not be possible if I understand your question correctly. Could you please specify your use case?
Hi Moises, Sure, my plan was to develop an Angular application that utilized the Web Components provided by GoodData or, if need be, create my own custom dashboards. Afterwards, I was hoping to deploy the application on GoodData so that it could be accessed the same way I would access any other application built on the website. Hope that helps.
Hi Lucas, thanks for this. I am afraid this would be outside the scope of the platform, you would need to self host your application. I would recommend to find a hosting service, but in any case, it would always be needed to authenticate to GoodData for users to have access to the data. If you use GoodData Cloud, you can implement OIDC and for GoodData Platform, it is possible to use SSO.