I don't have Key Performance Indicator as an optio...
# gd-beginners
I don't have Key Performance Indicator as an option in my dashboard. I do have facts and metrics in my dataset. Do I need to do something to enable it?
Hello Rebecca, I understood that you are using GoodData Cloud product. However, I believe that the provided screenshot is taken from GoodData Platform documentation. This feature is currently not present in GoodData Cloud. However, I will gladly submit product feedback on your behalf. May I know how important would be similar feature for you?
Thank you!!
You can add insight and select โ€œheadlineโ€ visualization type to create similarily looking visualization. Note that this visualization has been improved recently and offers many configuration options.
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True! This should definitely cover majority of the Key Performance Indicator capabilities. Should you have any further question related to it, let us know.
Rebecca, we have GD platform and only use KPIs for the alert and have switched over to Headlines which we can drill into other insights, rename it, etc. It does seem more flexible but would like alerts on Headlines also. ๐Ÿคž
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Ok awesome - I will look into it! I'm still on the trial so just learning all of what's possible. It looks like headlines will work - definitely agree about alerts!
Has there been any update with this? I'm trying to do a basic comparison between a metric that counts widgets and as the comparison metric I'm trying to get more control so that I can say the primary metric is widgets this period comparisons is relative prior period