Hello All i am using combo chart to display my dat...
# gd-beginners
Hello All i am using combo chart to display my data for this quarter, but something went wrong after I saw data that shouldn't appear on W13. The date type that I use in the analysis is week of quarter . After I exported the data to .xlxs, I found that the data for June 1, 2023 entered W13 this quarter. is it a bug? or is there a solution so that the data can be in the position it should be Thanks
Hi Adel, this would be related to how you have loaded the data into your workspace. Could you please confirm which product you are using? Platform, CN, or Cloud, and how are you loading data?
Hi Joseph thanks for your reply, i am using Cloud for data load.
the data that I get if I change it to table form doesn't have the problem. There is no greater delivery date than today's date
but when I change the display to week of quarter, the problem appears
Thanks, and can you confirm the metric you are using here, and if there are NULL values in the table. You can deal with NULL values using an IFNULL clause
I have added all the metrics that produce numbers. and all related metrics, I added the condition that the delivery date cannot be empty
Ok, so next I will need to gain access to the environment and check the report itself. Could you please confirm the hostname you are using?
Looks like this hostname is hosted on the platform edition. Could you please confirm the workspace ID and if our support user, support+logicnesia@gooddata.com has admin access to the workspace?
my workspace ID is "kg4pyyy9wyp6levdzrknvwef1ud0rif4"
Thank you, it doesn’t look like we have access there. Could you please invite support+logicnesia@gooddata.com as an admin in the workspace?
hi joseph, I have already sent the invitation thanks
Thanks, it looks like you will need to apply the ifnull clause on the inner metrics as well. This should help, but please let us know if yo are still facing issues.