Hello all, I am using the Good Data Cloud product....
# gd-beginners
Hello all, I am using the Good Data Cloud product. Is it possible to create a insight and filter the rows without the column being filtered on visible on the Insight? I am using a simple table. Added columns but want to automatically filter the insight based on filter which is not visible. It seems it only works when I add the filter column on the insight. Adding the column just as a filter does not work. By design or a bug? There does not seem any setting to make the column invisible either.
It works:
View by repo name, filter by user login
The only reason I can see is that attributes/metrics in report are not "connected" with the attribute you wanna add to the filter. Connected means there is a connection in the LDM between relevant datasets.
Yes you can drag and drop any attribute into filters which exists in fact dataset or referenced dimension datasets.
Filtering over many to many relationship is possible by bidirectional arrow in data model as filters are applied on facts in direction of arrows in data model.
Thanks @Jan Soubusta and @Jakub Sterba. I will check again, if we missed any connection in the LDM.
In general, if you can display the column in a table, you can also filter by it (and it does not need to be present in the table). Also how exactly are you planning to do the automatic filtering (front-end / back end? ) and what is your use case? • Do you want to have the same insights for different users/clients on top of different data for different clients? • Or do you want to somehow integrate interaction in your application to trigger filter in GoodData? • Or do you want each user in the same workspace (i.e. from the same company) to see different data? • or something completely different?
Please note that in some rare cases the attribute may be hidden because you cannot slice metric by it although you can use it for filtering. If it is the case try to add filter first and then the metric
In our case, It was not a external table. It is an column on the view where the insight is being built off. Extending the example by Jan. If we another table called -
Pull Requests
and it had a columns of
Pull Request Id
- true/false. If I wanted to get a count of just the merged Pull requests by repo. without adding the -
column in the Insight.
@Michal Hauzirek • Filter is being applied at the insight level, so backend. • Same for all users/all client • There is some filter interaction but not for the one we were trying to hide.
I see, thank you for the details. In that case if you want to use this value on multiple places, you can also add the filter directly to the metric. Something like:
SELECT COUNT(Pull Request Id) WHERE Merged = 'true'
But simple metric
SELECT COUNT(Pull Request Id)
and using insight-level filter for
where you select true (or whatever is your value should also work (but the filter will be visible for user interaction). As Jan posted in his screenshot - this should work. If it is not working for you, can you maybe post some more details, screenshot what you have in your insight, how that part of your model looks like etc?
Sure, I will be happy to do so. Let me tag my colleague - @Sol Madadha on this thread. He can provide more details. Thank you again - @Michal Hauzirek
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Actually one more additional question - originally I thought you were trying to apply the filter to the insight and it was not working, But now I am not sure if what you actually wanted to achieve isn’t rather the ability to somehow “lock & hide” the filter so that it is applied but users can not interact with it (but still be able to interact with other filters)? I don’t think this is possible with the insight filter, but you can achieve that by including the filter to the metric as I mentioned above. Another option could be if you use the insight filter (visible) and then put the insight on a dashboard and share the dashboard with your users. Dashboard can have different set of filters and you do not need to put the “Merged” filter to the dashboard. In that case the
flter in the insight will remain set and invisible to the end user (unless they open the insight directly).
Note that metric level filters can be added also in Analyze without use of MAQL using “+Add attribute filter” (see screenshot)
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