Hi, Can GoodData look into this log message for me...
# gd-beginners
Hi, Can GoodData look into this log message for me
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2023-05-30T10:01:12.622+0200 [INFO]: dataset: dataset.rental_rated_sell, Messages:["We could not read data from the file. Make sure that the data corresponds with the structure in the header, and try again."]
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2023-05-30T09:43:06.645+0200 [INFO]: Request id: "data_load_1DPFREIuQu_xqJFTS1rnh:8aVNwA87JyNJQqKr:y5EdWp045LQqfmnh"
2023-05-30T09:43:06.645+0200 [INFO]: Data source: "64411c83bedf0215d2356b9c"
I checked the parquet file and the format is correct. Can some one help please?