I added a new column to my pdm, and now I'm gettin...
# gd-beginners
I added a new column to my pdm, and now I'm getting this error: Source detail: "Source column should not be empty for table='PdmTable(path=[mmgooddata, call_events], ldmDatasetId='dataset/call_events/e096a91d0c7f45f086676c52b9d8843c', type=VIEW)'and primary label of the attribute='Attribute(header=Header(space=e096a91d0c7f45f086676c52b9d8843c, id=contact_number, title=, description=, tags=[]), labels=[Label(header=Header(space=e096a91d0c7f45f086676c52b9d8843c, id=contact_number, title=, description=, tags=[]), primary=true, sourceColumn=, type=label, sourceColumnDataType=null)], granularity=null, type=attribute, sourceColumnDataType=null)'." However, the contact_number column does not have any empty entries. I don't know what this error means, and I can't find any documentation on it. But as a result, my entire dashboard is broken.
Hi Daniel, By PDM, do you mean your source data, please? May I know if you are working with GD Paltform or GD Cloud? Also, did you update your LDM - Logical Data Model as well?
Yeah, source data
Yes, updated the LDM
GD Cloud
Thanks a lot. Did you initiate the data reload of related dataset as well?
How do you do that?
I did click the little circular arrow that says: Connect to data source and refresh tables and views.
Also, went to the data source and cleared the cache. This didn't help either.
Yes, this updates the model itself. Good point about the cache. How do you usually upload your data, please? Via API by chance?
I mean, I just update the data in the db, and then click the circular arrow
Ok, thanks. Let me check what we can do with the error. Please bear with me for a moment.
👍 1
Just one quick question - may I know what DB are you using, please?
Oh sorry, I meant - what kind of a DB. Is it a Google BigQuery one, or something else?
Postgres, in amazon RDS
Thanks again!
In the meanwhile, please check this article. Maybe you can find some hints there as well: https://www.gooddata.com/developers/cloud-native/doc/cloud/model-data/evolve-your-model/#alter-the-relational-model-of-the-database
Okay, I read through it. It seems to outline the steps I followed.
I didn't find anything in the article, did you find anything on your end?
I think I found the issue. It turns out I didn't correctly connect the newly added fact to the DB field.
Although it is weird it broke all the other metrics though.
Were you able to map the newly added fact to your source data, please?