is there any way write something at place of 0,1,...
# gd-beginners
is there any way write something at place of 0,1,2 complete ,Not Complete , Pending
You can change the way attributes are displayed through the use of attribute labels. This allows you to use the numerical values or the strings for the “completed” and “Not completed” values.
i didn't get it will you please explain it
I believe your screen shot indicates that you are speaking about the attribute filter “Status,” Correct? Currently, the display label is displayed with data type integer. If you go to your LDM, you will have the option to set string values there. This may be a better article for you to start with as it shows how the labels and values are used within the LDM:[…]el-components-in-gooddata/attributes-in-logical-data-models/
yes but i want display string form without changing any thing in orignal data
Not sure, if you use GoodData.CN/cloud or GoodData platform. In the GoodData.CN/cloud we just released a new (beta) feature - SQL datasets. If you do not want to change you data and achieve the above, you can create a SQL dataset and with a SQL query you can define a "virtual" column(attribute) derived from the numeric physical column.
In case 0, 1, 2 is result of metric, you can use conditional metric format
[=0]complete;[=1]not complete;[=2]pending;other
For attributes I suggest to add dimension dataset which translates state IDs to text values. The text value can be either separate attribute or default display label for the same attribute where ID is used as primary label. Both ways will let you to keep ids in all other fact tables where state dimension dataset is going to be referenced. SQL dataset may help you do it without need to create such dimension table in the database physically.