Hi is there any way to achieve 2nd most view categ...
# gd-beginners
Hi is there any way to achieve 2nd most view category if category and view duration in different-different model
Hi, what you mean by “different-different model” ?
Hello @Gaurav Tiwari does it look like this? If yes, then you can query on top of multiple datasets as long as they are transitionally connected. If category and duration lives in a different DB schema, then you need to consolidate them into a single schema (e.g. as DB table views).
No i have one Duration Model And one Category model but i need second highest category name for show data
It really depends on how does your LDM look. Could you send it here? Or via a private message? If the LDM (logical data model) does not contain both items, then it cannot be used in a single insight.
in my case user course and user course duration model
will you please tell me query tor this
GoodData calls User Course Durations and User Courses as datasets. They all are part of a single logical data model associated with Acadmi-dev workspace 🙂. GoodData will automatically allow you to include fields from both datasets in a single insight/metric as long as these two are connected together directly or via another datasets. If you cannot use both items together, then you need to update the logical data model structure first. Please check the following resources: • https://university.gooddata.com/designing-data-modelshttps://community.gooddata.com/data-models-kb-articles-46