Hi, I hope you are doing well. I did not find a ...
# gd-beginners
Hi, I hope you are doing well. I did not find a clear answer online: would you know a way to change the language settings for an environment for all users in that environment? Thank you in advance! Ambrose
Hi Ambrose, may I know which version of GoodData are you using?
Hi @Moises Morales, how can I get the version? Thank you in advance!
If it helps, gooddata was put in place in November
My bad, I meant to ask the GoodData product you are using. If you are using our latest product GoodData cloud, please check the documentation below: Change Display Language | GoodData Cloud Native If you are using the GoodData platform, please see: Localization and Internationalization | The GoodData Community
Thank you Moises! I don't know what we are using, could you please check? The company is LaConsigneGreenGo
Not a problem. I sent you a PM.