The link on - <
# gd-beginners
The link on -[…]bility/incorporating-filtered-variables-at-the-metric-level/ for instructions how to add variable at report level seems to be broken. It is pointing back to the same page. That link is we want
Hi Shashnak, thanks for pointing this out to us - I also cannot seem to find this documentation too “Incorporating Filtered Variables at the Report Level” We will reach out to our Documentation team to see if we can get this updated. Once we have their feedback, we will reach back out to you here.
👍 1
Hi Shashnak, incorporating filtered variables at the report level doesn’t apply to you as this used to be done in a different interface that new GoodData user no longer have access to. Having said that, please feel free to let us know if you are running into any issues when adding the filtered variables at the metric level.