Hello Folks - Any advice on connecting to AWS RDS ...
# gd-beginners
Hello Folks - Any advice on connecting to AWS RDS instance to GoodData workspaces?
Thank you Michael for the quick response. It looks requires us to open up the instance on the public Internet. Is there a way to make the connection without that?
Can you tell me if you’re trying to connect GoodData Cloud organization (something.cloud.gooddata.com) to your RDS?
In case you’re using GoodData Cloud, I’m afraid that’s not possible without using public subnet. In case you’re using GoodData.CN installed on your premises, you may use VPC peering or similar technology.
Thank you again Michael. Is it possible to obtain IP range which we can white list?
Thank you - Robert.
I wanted to close the loop on this one. We were able to connect to RDS instance using the whitelisting approach. Thank you again - @Robert Moucha and @Michael Ullock for the help.
Glad to help. 👍