Hi team, :sun_with_face: I created a dashboard on ...
# gd-beginners
Hi team, 🌞 I created a dashboard on amount spent of a cost center. This can be expressed in the company currency or the group currency. Is there a way to indicate the currency isocode (from data) next to the amount spent metric? Either in the title of the graph/insight or the metric itself or perhaps a custom format? 💰 👀
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Hi Hans, Have you tried formatting the numbers as explained here: Formatting Numbers in Insights. Note that the symbol must be in UTF-8 encoding.
Hi Moises, I've tried that indeed, but that is a fixed text. I cannot find a method to make them dependent on the data as not all amount are in the same currency. For example, when selecting a filter: Group Currency, I display the amount in Group Currency, which is EUR for instance. when selecting Company Currency it should display the currency of the company. Which can be EUR, and any other currency PLN, CHK, DKR, USD, ... If I can display this in any of the yellow marked places it would be nice 🙂
Thank you for the screenshot. Have you tried using conditional number formatting although this would really depend if the numbers that should have the same currency symbol are within a same certain range. If this does not work, may I know how are you calculating the numbers?
The conditional number formatting doesn't work for me. The calculations are being done by exchange currency rates on the day of the transaction.
From the local currency of the transaction to the currency of the Company/CompanyGroup.
There isn’t a way to display a label like this dynamically. For the report title you could add the “EUR” but there isn’t a way to change it based on the filters used, and it would always display the “EUR”. Same with the value in the filter. If you want to have this added to the attribute, you can do so, and then apply labels.
Joseph, thanks for your reply. My challenge is to put an Attribute value next to a Metric(Fact) value. My amounts are sometimes in euro sometimes in CHF, NOK, SEK... My customers have different entities all over Europe so I cannot create a fixed report nor can I create specific ones.
The potential workarounds would be: • custom dashboard plugin that would somehow modify the content of the insight - this would only work for KD viewing • completely custom UI
Thanks I will have a look at it!