Hi there, trying out the product at the moment. I ...
# gd-beginners
Hi there, trying out the product at the moment. I was wondering: • When viewing a dashboard: how can you actually see the underlying data, record by record? So I don't mean a pivot which summarizes, but just a 'simple' table that lists all records involved. • Can you hide the title of an Insight in the dashboard? Thanks!
Hi Wouter. You will always need to create some sort of insight or data to actually few the data. In regards to the title of an insight on a dashboard, I’m afraid that it is always needed as well. You could use special characters like “___” to maybe help with the look. Also, if you are working in an embedded environment, there might be a custom way to layer them, but that would depend on your solution.
🌮 1
Hi @Joseph Heun thanks for your reply!
Good news, ability to hide title of insights on the dashboard should come soon in one of the next releases.
you can use feature “drill to insight” and let users drill down to underlying data if you create insight with granular data (e.g. a table containing primary key of underlying data and additional attributes and metrics derived from facts)
That's nice, about the titles, looking forward to it. About the table data @Jakub Sterba: When I create a Table with granular data (like as row I have the primary key), it states 'too many data points'. Can I add pagination or something so that it can visualize it? For example, my customers use this when they want to view/download 50.000 invoices that they have prefiltered using the dashboard.
such a big report may hit platform limits for tables (60,000 rows, 5,000,000 non-null values, 60,000,000 table cells). You may consider following options: • display only sample of data (e.g. top 100 records based on some criteria, or use filter using row_number() function in condition of some MAQL metric to limit number of rows. • you can use drill to URL and redirect user to a source system to export the underlying data (you can pass drill filters as parameters in the URL) • develop a dashboard plugin for a dashboard which will let user export data from data warehouse (note that there exists ADS export addon which lets you implement it using our Agile Datawarehouse Service - ADS)
the tables which fit into platform limits are paginated. Only visible data are retrieved into the web browser. Additional data are requested while the user is scrolling the table.
Excellent, plenty of opportunities here. Thanks for that. I got it going now!