Hi, I am creating simple column chart with two mea...
# gd-beginners
Hi, I am creating simple column chart with two measures stacked, with a date filter. That works perfectly. But when i want to compare with previous period, all the data (current and previous period) are stacked in one column, while I would much rather have one column of current period next to column from previous period, so it would be easy to compare. Is there a way how to do it?
Hi Matej, Stacked Metrics work in a way that they would automatically display like this. If you are looking for the side by side comparison, you could change one of the measures to display on the right access by check the box, "show on right axis" as described in the documentation. If this doesn't help, could you provide a screen shot of what you are seeing vs your desired results?
Hi Joseph, I tried spiting the metrics on measures on different axis, but it’s not exactly what I would want. Ideally each column would be stacked, and only show data for the specific time period. Here is the image how it works now what I image to have.
Hey Matej, the date filter forces the stacking in this scenario  when you compare for the previous period selected in the insight filter. I believe you would need to filter at the metric level using FOR PREVIOUS  to see the two periods next to each other
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