Hi all - we are just getting started with GoodData...
# gd-beginners
Hi all - we are just getting started with GoodData. I've had a request to allow view-only users (dashboardOnlyRole in an embedded report) to change the 'stack by' attribute (similar to the way they can change the filters). I've checked the docs and can't see a way to do this. Does anyone know if there is a solution (or workaround)? Thanks!
Hi Mal, It is currently not possible for users with this role to modify stack by insights in KPI dashboards the way they would set a filter, however users with Explorer role can access Analytical Designer, this would allow them to interact with the chart freely.
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Thanks Moises
Hello Mal, let me chime in. We have recently released Dashboard Plugins that might be useful for you. A Dashboard Plugin is basically a custom JavaScript code that can be applied to vanilla KPI Dashboards to enhance their out-of-the-box functionality. Here's a working example of a dashboard plugin that targets all the insights with 2+ metrics and renders a metric switcher next to them. See the screenshot:
In a similar way, you could implement a dashboard plugin that looks for certain insights (column charts?) and displays a dropdown that allows certain users (incl. _dashboardOnlyRole_s) change the stackBy attribute on the fly.
Please note that this requires a JavaScript developer and probably needs to be further investigated before diving into implementation, but there should be a way around.
Thanks Jiri - that's great to know. I hadn't seen these dashboard plugins before. We have JavaScript developers, so this is definitely something that we will investigate.
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Glad to hear that @Mal Sharkey! Please know that I won't be available for the next 2 weeks as I'm taking some time off, but there will be other colleagues who will be happy to step in 😉 Let us know it goes!
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