Is there a recommended setup for running a contain...
# gooddata-cn
Is there a recommended setup for running a container in Azure?
Do you mean CPU and memory for running the container?
@Martin Burian no, like whether to run it was an app service or a container app or a vm, networking, etc
It is fully up to you and how it fits your azure deployment.
are there any setup guides?
I am sorry, we do not have a setup guide specifically for running the container in Azure. You can run it as any other docker application - on local, on vm, using specific services for running containers - exactly the ways you mentioned. The docker version is lightweight version for product evaluation, development and simple deployments. For scalable production environment we have the k8s version for which we have a detailed guide. The guide is for k8s environment in general. Both options (docker and k8s versions) allow you to integrate the application into your environment tailored to your specific needs. To be able to help bit more, I would need to know what you would like to achieve with our analytical platform. Could you please share the use case? Based on that we can try to recommend the best setup.