Hi Does <GoodData.CN> support the new charts - Py...
# gooddata-cn
Hi Does GoodData.CN support the new charts - Pyramid Chart, Funnel Chart, Dependency Wheel Chart, Sankey Diagram, Waterfall Chart .. I see these listed as part of 2.5.0 release but the documentation says it is not available in CN but only in GD Cloud.
Hi Rohit, I tested on a 2.5.0 CN instance and the new charts are available there, so it should be supported. It looks like our documentation may be inaccurate in this regard. I will highlight this internally to correct that. Thanks for letting us know! 🙂
thanks @Francisco Antunes. We are on 2.5.1 and are not seeing these but let me try again and come back with screenshots of what we are seeing. Also does the GD.UI also now reflect the React components for these Charts ?
Our 2.5.1 instance is still not showing these new charts - Can you advise if there are specific config settings that are needed to enable this ..
Hmmm interesting. Please let me check this from my end and we’ll let you know!
Hi @rohit mathur, thanks for hanging in there. Would you kindly confirm whether you are using the Helm Chart version of GD.CN? And, as you said, on v2.5.1?
think it is all 2.5.1 ... below is what is setup
Thanks for the info! I checked internally, and it looks like this is an issue present in v2.5.1 of CN, where these charts are not enabled. This was fixed in v3.0.0. This explains why my test, on v2.5.0, had those charts (the issue was introduced by the patch). The current recommendation is to switch to the newest version, v3.0.0. If you decide to go that route, I’d recommend checking out the Release Notes for more details. I believe the Python SDK would need to be updated, and there is also the deprecation of the PDM (which will only affect you if you have backups of your LDM/PDM definitions, which would need to be replaced).