Any best practices for troubleshooting datasource/...
# gooddata-cn
Any best practices for troubleshooting datasource/workspace permissions issues on gooddata-cn k8s? Is there a specific deployment or pod that I can look at the logs to get a hint at where the chain is failing? I've got a mix of workspaces and groups in a hierarchy, and a data source.
Hi Vincil, you could send us the traceId from the developer console. This way we can check on our end the error details.
so when you say developer console... what do you mean
browser console...or the logs of some certain pod
I didn't see anything useful in the browser console
@Moises Morales ^^
Hi Vincil, you can always make comparable request via an API service (here a reference). If there is anything that fails, each and every request has a parameter that can be traced by (X-GDC-TRACE-ID) . However from your question I feel like you are really not seeing any errors, just there seems to be a mismatch in the actual setup. I'd recommend (since you run CN on k8s) to go though our docs ( adn see if you are able for example to catch it with prometheus.
Thanks, I'll try that... the observability doc will be helpful. The error just says unauthorized.