What are the implications of deploying gooddata-cn...
# gooddata-cn
What are the implications of deploying gooddata-cn-ce to production? Is that allowed by the license... if it is, might there be any advice on how to "cleanly" integrate our services alongside the GoodData services... as there is a lot going on in the aio image. The use case is that the customer wants an on premise deployment of our product, and we don't want to ask that they provide us with a k8s environment and admin to do the deployment... we like the ability to just load that single docker image, as limited as it is... it might be enough for our purposes.
Community edition license agreement is available at https://support.gooddata.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500005499441 I asked our Legal team for review of your use case and if it is covered by the license. Please stay tuned, we will let you know in few days.
Sounds good, thanks!
Here's the statement of our Legal team: There’s nothing in the legal terms preventing the customer from deploying Community Edition in production. In practice, the Community Edition has some technical limitations that may not make it reasonable to do so (see the Product Specific Terms), but if those limitations do not apply in a particular use case it’s fine. However, please note (and please share with the customer) that the Community Edition license terms specify that they must notify us of their intention to use CN for production purposes:
In order for GoodData to gauge interest in the Software and assess the need for future updates, GoodData requires You to notify GoodData at https://www.gooddata.com/gooddata-cn-for-production if you use the Software in a production capacity.
And of course they are subject to all the other limits/obligations described in the license terms (I would particularly point them to Section 2(b)).
Thanks for looking into it...am in touch with the account rep too... whatever happens will keep you posted
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