Hello, Will it be possible to update/create/delete...
# gooddata-cn
Hello, Will it be possible to update/create/delete
via gdcn rest api? Currently only GET /api/v1/entities/workspaces/{workspaceId}/workspaceDataFilterSettings/{objectId}) is possible, so we have to use declarative api via PUT api/v1/layout/workspaceDataFilters where we might run into race conditions because we do GET layout and PUT layout. I tried to do it via PUT /api/v1/entities/workspaces/{workspaceId}/workspaceDataFilters/{objectId} but failed.
Hi Tomas. How exactly did PUT to
fail for you?
Hi Jan, I’ve tried it long time ago, I don’t remember the details but found this in history: • URL:
• body:
Copy code
  "data": {
    "id": "kbc-project-id",
    "type": "workspaceDataFilter",
    "relationships": {
      "filterSettings": {
        "data": [
            "id": "kacurez_test_filter",
            "type": "workspaceDataFilterSetting",
            "attributes": {
              "title": "KACUREZ TEST",
              "filterValues": [
              "workspace": {
                "id": "1616_com-keboola-azure-north-europe_workspace",
                "type": "workspace"
where: •
- is parent workspace •
- is child workspace of embed_telemetry_payg • workspace filter
is associated with the parent workspace
So I’m trying to add filter setting
workspace filter. Please note that there can be multiple filter settings associated with the workspace filter - as many as there are parent workspace -> child workspace relations. Now I’m trying it and it fails on internal error. Let me know if it is not clear for you and I will dig into it more and hopefully provide better info.
Thanks @Tomáš Kačur. I’ll look into this and get back to you.
yes exactly, thats it! 🙂 So if I understand it, the full CRUD support of workspaceDataFilterSettings in GDCN is evaluated as a feature request and might be added in the future?
That’s pretty much it. Could you let me know what sort of priority this is for you? Having an accurate representation of that could help push this forward as a feature.
Currently our application on top of gdcn is in private beta, but since we can run in a race condition that can leak data, (e.g. two consecutive workspace layout updates will delete filter for a child workspace which then sees all data) it is critical before we let it into the full production mode. Workaround could be to implement a distributed locking mechanism but I don’t know if we have capacity for that (depends on the product planning..). I will share the info with the product team and let you know/confirm whether it is critical.
Understood. I’ll wait for that feedback.
Hi Jan, its critical for us. Without this we would need to implement it ourselfs which would add another unnecessary layer on top of it. I will loop it also with Oldriska (our AM). Could you give us rough estimate when this could be done? Thanks
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Hi @Tomas Netrval, We’ll circle this internally and we’ll get back to you in the e-mail thread you’ve just opened directly. Thank you!
🙌 1
Many thanks!
🎉 New note created.
Hello, can I ask what is status of the feature request?
@Tomáš Kačur I’ll ask and let you know.
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I just had the same question 🙂 Do we have any progress? It is preventing us to deploy Gooddata 😞 cc @Vaclav Malek
I haven’t received any feedback yet, but I’ll do my best to get it today.
There we go. It is on the roadmap and should be delivered in Q3 or Q4, depending on engineering capacity. Q4 seems to be more likely at the moment, but that is not definite.
@Petr Šimeček Pablo is aware of the situation and will reach out directly to you and the team
Legendary. Labelled in our internal Jira accordingly 🧌