Hello GDCN Team, We are seeing an issue where we ...
# gooddata-cn
Hello GDCN Team, We are seeing an issue where we are not able to see some insights in the GD.CN UI but when queried using an API we see that the insights exist. For example a GET on the following API returns data https://gooddata-cn-ORG.cloud/api/entities/workspaces/WORKSPACEID123/visualizationObjects/INSIGHTID123 But using the same INSIGHTID123 we are not able to see the insight in the UI What could be the reason that these insights are missing from the UI and if there is anyway to restore them on the UI.
Hi Sagar, May I know how were the insights created? Were they created by you?
Yes, they was created by the same user id.
We are also checking in these insights could have been impacted by any LDM update. We do see the insights via API response. We wanted to check the best way to restore them.
Hi Sagar, May I know, how exactly are you trying to retrieve the Insight via UI? Have you tried to open any other Insight and rewrite the InsightId in the URL, please?
Hello Ivana, At some point, we noticed that a few insights were missing on the UI .The same insights were available a few hours ago. A LDM change during this interval might have caused this to happen. We tried calling an api with the insight id of the missing insight and see a 200 response. ( GET on the following https://gooddata-cn-ORG.cloud/api/entities/workspaces/WORKSPACEID123/visualizationObjects/INSIGHTID123) When trying to see the insight on the UI ( by replacing insight id at the end of a working URL), we see that the insight is unavailable. In this scenario, where the insight seems to be still be available via the API, is there anyway to retrieve the insight ? For example, if we figured out that the insight is missing because a field was dropped from the LDM, can we retrieve the insight by adding the field back ? Would be great if we can find out what specific change in the LDM caused the insights to be dropped.
Thanks for the clarification. As mentioned in this article, this is the expected behaviour, especially when you are deleting some LDM objects: Affected visualizations are no longer listed in Analytical Designer. The visualizations can only be interacted with using the API.
I am still checking internally if we can somehow restore such Insights, but you might need to rebuild them to speed things up.
Thanks for holding on there, Sagar. Sorry to be bearer of bad news, but if you delete LDM object, which is being used by some Insight, such Insight will become unrecoverable and it will result in error “Sorry, we can’t display this insight”. The API can only retrieve some meta data of the actual object.
Ivana, Thanks for checking this. Also when you say the API can retreive some meta data, does it mean that not all the metadata is retreived ? We do see in the API response details of the insight including name, filters etc. Is anything not included ?
@Jiri Schmid @Petr Kudlacek should we finally and fully document this behavior in the public DOC? Including X-GDC-VALIDATE-RELATIONS header, which can be used in API calls and allows users to find invalid metadata objects.
Ivana, Jan, Thanks for your responses and comments. A few follow up questions based on the above 1) Pls. let us know if the metadata in the API response is complete or missing something ? 2) Is there anyway we can save the definition of the visualizaiton such that in case something goes missing, we can use to recreate the insight ? 3) Is there any plan to make these insights recoverable , for e.g. invalidate the insights and make available in some other category or with a icon like in an unmapped field ?
@Jan Soubusta @Jiri Schmid @Petr Kudlacek - can you kindly review Sagar’s follow-up questions above, please? I am also curious, if the meta data contains even the deleted objects and how can @Sagar Sonar and other users use such information to recreate their Insights.
If you set the header I mentioned above and call this API
, you get all metadata about all insights (visualizationObjects) including a property called
, which notifies you about if the visualizationObject is valid (it is displayed in the UI).
🎉 New note created.