Hello, I'm using <GD.CN> version 2.2.0. I'm wonde...
# gooddata-cn
Hello, I'm using GD.CN version 2.2.0. I'm wondering if there is a way to support word-wrap/ have GD.CN respect newline characters in the database? For context, I've got new line characters in my database but I have found in GD.CN it just removes those and is just a single line.
Hi Alex, could you please provide more details and use case? What visualization type does not work for you? Any screenshots would be helpful too. Thanks.
Thanks Moises! For example: In my database I've concatenated Line1, newline, Line 2 (i.e. concat( 'Line1',"\n", 'Line2')) When I view it from my database or export I see the newline is respected.
However in tabular format in GD, new line is not respected
Ideally, it would be better to remove the non-printable characters as there generally is no support for line breaks in the UI. May we know your use case?
Thanks Moises. The client we're working with has a desire to do formatting to text columns, for example in this case they want "Line 2" to be additional information about "Line 1" (ex: "High Growth Fund" is line 1 with "relative to notional exposure" is line 2.)
This is currently not supported, but I will go ahead and submit product feedback on your behalf to bring this to our developer’s attention
🎉 New note created.
Thanks Moises!