Is there a limit on number of rows that can be dis...
# gooddata-cn
Is there a limit on number of rows that can be displayed/returned on any insight and is that configurable in GD.CN ? Will we ever have partial results on a page without an indicator that not all data was returned ?
Hi Sagar, You can find the general limits here. No, such thing should not really happen. You either wouldn’t be able to create such Insight or you would for e.g. receive a warning message about too many data points. Are you planning to work with some huge Insights? Could you maybe share more details with us, please?
Thanks Ivana. Wanted to check the limits to get an idea of how many rows we could pull in an insight. Looks like there is a limit on total no. of cells. Also not planning on any high volumes insights. In case we come across a case where the insight could not be created, will check and try and reduce the data points.
Surely, you are very welcome. Fingers crossed for you!
🎉 New note created.