Hi! Is it possible to embed pre-configured `Analyz...
# gooddata-cn
Hi! Is it possible to embed pre-configured
section into our website without employing GoodData.UI framework?
depends on what you mean by “pre-configured” but it should for sure be possible to embed: • empty Analyze: https://HOSTNAME/analyze/embedded/#/WORKSPACE_ID/reportId/edit • specific insight in the Analyze: https://HOSTNAME/analyze/embedded/#/WORKSPACE_ID/INSIGHT_ID/edit and in both cases when embedding, limit the available objects in the displayed catalog to show all but objects with specific tags OR show only objects with specific tags with:
So for example:
can be used to embed Analyze with mujinsight opened from workspace mujworkspace and it will only show objects (metrics, attributes) which have tag “Product”.
👏 1
Stunning! Thanks for this info! ♥️
Now I see that this part somehow did not get to the documentation for GoodData.CN for some reason so I will ping our doc team about it.