<#C01P3H2HTDL|gooddata-cn> - When data is updated ...
# gooddata-cn
#gooddata-cn - When data is updated in a datasource is there a why for the dashboards to update with out us having to can a post method to the datasource (is there a concept of polling)?
Hi Jon, now there is only /api/actions/dataSources/<id>/uploadNotification API. Though we could poll on this API from UI apps, it can be dangerous - ETL on data source side can update data in multiple transactions and data can be inconsistent. That is why we prefer ETL process calling the API once everything is ready (committed). We plan to support configurable time, how long caches are kept before they are invalidated, with edge case of real-time data sources, for which time is 0 (no caching). Also consider the fact that CN provides so-called multitenancy (multiple isolated workspaces with workspace data filters). Triggering the API from one workspace would update data in all other workspaces. Question is if it is what users expect. Let me know you thoughts in this area, any feedback is more than welcome!